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These machine's have intellegance, do you trully want to trust them. 

Built as mindless machines to fight in the Last war, the warforged developed sentience asa side effect of the arcane experiments that sought to make them the ultimate weapon of destruction. With each successive model that emerged from the creation forges of House Cannith, the warforged evoled until they became a new kind of creature--living constructs.
Warforged are renowned for their comabt prowess, their size, and their single-minded focus. They make steadfast allies, and fearsome enemies. Earlier warforged models are true constructs; some of these remnants of the Last war appear in monstrous varieties, such as the warforged titan.
Personality: The warforged were made to fight in the Last war, and the continue to filfill their purpose with distinction. They fight fiercely and usually without remorse, displaying adaptability impossible for mindless constructs. Now that the war has ended, the warforged settle easily into new roles as artisan or laborers, while other wander as adventurers or even continue fighting the Last war despite the return to peace.
Physical Description: Warforged appear as massice humanoids molded from a composite of materials-- obsidian, iron, stone,darkwodd, silver, and organic material -- though they move with a suprising grace and flexibility. Flexible plates conneced by fibrous bunbleds that make up the body of a warfoged, topped by a mostly featureless head.
Warforged have no physical distinction of gender; all of them have a basically muscular, sexless body shape. In personality , some warforged seem more masculine or feminine, but different people judge the same warforged in different ways. the warforged themselves seemed unconcerned with matures of gender. The do not age naturally, thoug hteir bodies do decay slowly even as their minds improve through learning and experience.
Unique among constructs, warforged have learned to modify their bodies through magic and training. Many warforged are adorned with heavierm etal plates that those their creator origionally endowed them with. this customized armor, built in weaponry, and other enhancments to their physical form help differentiate one warforged from another.
Relations:As the warforged strive to find a place ina society for themselves after the Last War, they silmultaneously struggle to find ways to relate to the races that created them. In general, the humanoid races of Khorvaire regard the warforged as an unpleasant reminder of the brutality of the Last war and avoid dealing with them when possible.
In Thrane and Karrnath, the warforged are still seen as the property of the miltiary forces that paid to have them built, and most warforged in thosen ations serve as slave labor, often used to repair buildings and roads damaged in the Last War. Throughout the rest of Knowvaire, they have freedom but sometimes find themselves the victims of dsicrimination, hard-pressed to find work or any kind of acceptance. Most warforged, not being particualarly emotional creatures, accept their sturggles and servitude with equanimity, but others seethe with resentment agianst all other races as well as those warforged whose only desire is to please their "masters"
Alignment:Warforged and generally neutral. they were built to fight, not to wonder whetehr fighting is right. thoguh they are perfectly capable of independant though and moral speculation, most choose not to wrestle with ethical ideals.
Warforged Lands: Warforged orginated in Cyre before its destruction and have no homeland. Most of them have dispersed acroos Khorvaire, laboring as indentured servant in Korth, Atur, and Flamekeep, or struggling to find work nad acceptance in Sharn or Korranberg. A few congregate in the Mournland, attempting to build a new warforged society free from the prejudice and mistruct of the older races.
Dragonmarks: The warforged nenver posses dragonmarks.
Religion:Just as most warforged are not inclined to align themselves with any particular mroal or ethical philosophy, few show much interst in relgion. Some warforged have found a kind of answer to the questions of existence by taking up the cause of one relgion or another, but these remain a small ( if rather vocal) minority among their kind. A larger number gravitate to a messianic figure called the Lord of Blades. This powerful leader gathers a cultlike following of disaffected warforged by preaching a return to the Mournland and rebellion agianst the "weak-fleshed" races.
Languages:Warforged speak Common, sicne they were designed to communicate with their(mostly human) creators and owners. Names:Warforged do not name themselves and only recently have begun to understand the need of other races to have names for everything. Many accept whatever names others see fit to give them, and warforged traveling with humans are often referred to by nicknames. Some warforged, however, have come to see havng a name asa defining moment of their new exisitence, and thus search long and hard for the perfect name to attach to themselves.
Adventurers:Adventuring is one way that warforges can fit into the world-- at least as well as any adventurer ever fits in. In the wilds of Xen'drik, the ancient continent of secrets, few poeple care whether your born or made, as long as you can help keep your companions alive. A fairly large number of warforged choose an adventuring life to escape from the confines of a society they didn't create abd at the same tim engage in some meaningful activitiy.


  • Living Construct Subtype (EX): Warforged are constructs with the living construct subtype. A living construct is a created being given sentience and free wll through powerful and complex enchantments. Warforged are living constructs that combine aspects of both consturcts and living creatures, as detialed below.
  • Features: As a living construct, a warforged has the following features.
  • -A warforged derives its Hit DICe, base attack bonus progression, saving throws, and skill points from the class it selects.
  • Traits:A warforged possesses the following traits.

  • -Unlike other constructs, a warforged has a Constitution score.
  • -Unline other constructs, a warforged does not have low-light vision or darkvision.
  • -Unlike other constructs, a warforges is not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.
  • -Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysism disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
  • - a warforged cannot heal damage naturally.
  • -Unlike other constructs, warforged are subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and detah effects or necromancy effects.
  • -As lving constructs, warforged can be affects by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a warforged can be healed by a cure light woulds spell or a repair light damage spell, for example, and a waforged is vunerable to a disbale construct spell and harm. However, spells from the healing sunschool and supernatural abiliries that cure hit point damage provide onlt half their normal effect to a warforged.
  • -The unusual physical constructions of warforged makes them vunerable to certian spell and effects that normalyl dont affect living creatures. A warforged is affecteds by repel metaland chill metal as if he were wearing metal armor. Likewise, a warforged is affected by a repel metal or stone as if he were wearing metal armor. A warforged is repelled by repel wood. The iron in the body of a warforges makes him vunerable to rusting grasp. The creatures takes 2d6 points of damage from the spell (Reflex half; save DC 14+ caster's ability modifier). A warforged takes the same damae from a rust monster's touch. (Reflex 17 DC half). Spells such as stone to flesh, stone shape, warp wood, and wood shape affect objects only, and thus cannot be used on the stone and wood parts of a warforged.
  • -A warforged responds slightly differently from other lving creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A warforged with 0 hit points is disable, justl ike a living creature. He can only take a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenous activity does not risk further injury. When his hit points are less than 0 and are greater than -10, a waforged is inert. he is unconscious and helpless, and he cannot perform any actions. However, an inert warforged does not lose additonal hit points unless more damage is dealt to him, as with a lving creature that is stable.
  • -As a living construct, a warforged can be raised of resurrected.
  • -A warforged does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but he can stil benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items suchs as heroes' feast and potions.
  • -Although living consturcts do not need sleep, a warforged wizard must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.
  • +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Warforged are resilent and powerful, but their difficulty in relating to other creatures makes them seem aloof or even hostile.
  • Medium: As medium constructs, warforged have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Warforged hasa base land speed of 30 feet.
  • Composite Plating: The plating used to build a warforges provides a +2 armor bonus, This plating is not natural armor and doesn to stakc with the other effects that give an armor bonus ( other than natural armor). This composite plating occupies the same space on the body asa suit of armor or a robe, and thus a warforged character cannot wear armor or magic robes. Warforged can be enchanted just as armor can be. The character must be present for th entire time it takes to enchant him.
    Composite plating provides a warforged with a 5% arcane spell failure chance, similar to the penalty for wearing light armor. Any class ability that allows a warforged to ignore the arcan spell failure chance for light armor lets him ignore this penalty as well.
  • Light Fortification (EX): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a warforged, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and the damage is instead rolled normally.
  • A warforged has a natural weapon in the form on a slam attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.
  • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: None.
  • Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass warforged fighter class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

