World of Eberron Artificer |
In Eberron, magic is almost technology. Spellcasters specialize in ceertain forms of that technology, while artificers
tinker with its fundamental workings. Artificers understand magic on a different level from spellcasters, and do not cast
spells as wizards and clerics do. They have an amazing facility with magic items and constructs, and in many ways, they keeps
the magical world of Eberron Running. Adventures: Artificers adventure for a variety of reasons. They seek deposits of rare minerals and dragonshards
for use in there creations. They search for hidden arcane secrets related to making magic items or constructs. They face danger
to acquire money to buy ot make magic items. Like any other adventurers, they might also be motivated by a desire to fight
evil or gain power, or by anysimilar reasons.
Characteristics: Artificers are perhaps the ultimate magical dabblers. The can use just about any spell from wand
or scroll, empower ordinary items with temporary magical power, repair damaged constructs ( Like warforged), alter the function
of existing magical items, and craft magical items, constructs, and dragonshard items. They have a limited list of their own
spell-like infusions that they can apply to objects, and they can also work with any of the spells on other classes' spell
lists. Their magic is neither arcane or divine, and they are not bound by that classification: Their trade in magic is the
most abstract ( they might say purest) form. Alignment: If artificers have a tendency towards any alignment, it is neutral. They are more interested in their
work than in moral implications. Some artificers create magic items for the common good, while others seek to create items
of temendous destructive power. Religion: Many artificers revere the deity Onatar, Lord of Fire and Forge. Others are too preoccupied with mastering
magic-including divine magic- to worry about the gods who may or may not be the source of magic. Background : Like Wizards, artificers learn their craft through long years of hard study. the share a sense of camaraderie
with others who have endured similar training. They view other artificers as either colleagues or rivals. Rivarly may takea
friendly form as artificers try to outdo each other in thier creations and accomplishments, or it could turn deadly, with
artificers sneding construct assassins after each other. Races: Humans excel as artificers, having no natural attachment to the aesthetics of magics as elves do, and no
knack for a particular expression of magic as gnomes have. Their analytical minds makes then well suited to the artificers
task of reducing magic to its component pieces and reassembling it in a new form. Despite their charisma penalty, warforges
also make fine artificers, having a particular affintity for the creation of other constructs. Dwarves and gnomes , with their
skill in crafting of mundane items, show equal skill in the magical craft of the artificer. Halfing, elves, half-elves, half-orcs,
kalashtar,shifters, and changelings do not have strong traditions in this class and often choose different magical pathways. Other Classes: Artificiers work best when providing magicial support to members of other classes. Though they are
quite versatile , their taletns lie in enhancing the items- weapons, armor, wands, and other gear- used by all members of
an adventuring party. The think of every party member as a components of a machine, encouraging better teamwork within a group
and sometimes providing strategy and tactics afforded by their unique mindset. Role: In a typical adventureing party, artificers have a range of roles revolving around magic items. They bring
an unparalled flexibility to both using and creating such itmes. In a party that doesnt include a druide , for example, an
artificer can use (or scribe) a scroll of barkskin or wield a staff of the woodlands. Though they can fight reasonably well,
few artificers are inclined to engage in front-rank melee combat.
All of the following are class features of the artificer. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Artificers are proficient with all simple weapons, with light and medium armor , and
with all shields ( except tower shields). An artificer can imbue an item with any infusion from the list without preparing the infusion ahead of time. Unlike a sorceror
or bard, he does not select a subset of the available infusions as his known infusions; he has acccess to every infusion on
the list that he can use. It is possible for an artificer to learn infusions that are not on the normal artificer infusion list. These might include
ancient infusions he finds in the ruins of Xen'drik or secret infusions known only to members of certian guilds or organizations.
When he encounters such an infusion ,and artificer can attempt to learn it by making a spellcraft check(DC20 + spell level).
If this check suceeds, he addess the infusion to his list. If not, he can try agian when he gians another rank in Spellcraft,
assuming he still has access to the new infusion. To imbue an item with an infusion, an artificer must have an intelligence score equal to at leasts 10 + the infusion level
(Int 11 for 1st-level infusions, Int 12 for 2nd-level infusions, and so forth). Infusions never allow saving throws. Like spellcasters, an artificer can use only a certain number of infusions of a particular level per day. His base daily
infusion allotment is given on the accompanying table. In addition, he receives extra infusions per day if he has a sufficiently
high Intelligence score ( See PHB). An Artificers infusions can only be imbued into an item or a construct (including warforged). He cannot, for example, simply
imbue an ally with bull's strength. He must imbue that ability into an item his ally is wearing. The item then functions as
a belt of giant strength for the duraton of the infusion. He can, however, imbue, bull's strength on a construct with the
living constructs subtype, and infusions such as repair light damage and iron construct function only when imbued on such
characters. Many infusions have long casting times, often 1 minute or more. An artificer can spend 1 action point to imbue any infusion
in 1 round (takes 1 round to cast). Like a spellcaster, an artificer applies item creation feats and metamagic feats to his infusions. Like a sorceror, an
artificer can apply a metamagic feat to an infusion spontaneously, but doing this requires extra time. An artificer can craft
alchemical items as though he were a spellcaster. An artificer cannot automatically use a spell trigger or spell completetion item if the equivalent spells appears on his
infusion list. For example, an artificer must still employ the Use Magic Device skill to use a wand of light, even though
light appears on his infusion list. Each day, an artificer must focus his mind on his infusions. He needs 8 hours of rest, after which he spends 15 minutes
concentrating . During this periodm the artificer readies his mind to hold his daily allotment of infusions. Without suc ha
period of time to refresh himself, the character does not regain the infusions slots he used up the day before. Any infusions
used withing the last 8 hours count agianst the artificers daily limit. Craft Reserve: Return to Class Table Artificer Knowledge: Return to Class Table The artificer must hold and examine the object for 1 minute. A successful check agianst DC 15 determines that the object
has magical qualities, but does not reveal specific powers of the item. An artificer cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check. A particular item can only beexamined in this fashion one time; if
the check fails, the artificer can learn no more about that object. Artisan Bonus: Return to Class Table Disable Trap: Return to Class Table An artificer who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can stdy a trap, figure out how it works,
and bypass it ( with his party) without disarming the trap. Item Creation (EX): Return to Class Table The artificer must make a succesful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try
agian each day until the item is complete ( see Creating Magic items, page 282 of the dungeons master guide). If he comes
to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check-
his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check for that day. If that check also fails, the the creation process
fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost. For purposes of meeting item prerequisties, an artificers effective caster level equals his artificer level +2. If the
item duplicates a spell effect, however, it uses the artificers level as its caster level. COsts are always determined using
the items minimum caster level or the artificer's actual level ( if it is higher). Thus, a 3rd level artificer can make a
scroll of fireball, since the minimum caster level for fireball is 5th. He pays the normal cost for making such a scroll with
a caster level of 5th: 5 x 3 x 12.5 = 187 gp and 5 sp , plus 15 XP. But the scroll's actuall caster level is only 3rd, and
it produces a weak fireball that deals only 3d6 points of damage. An artificer can also make Use Magic Device checks ro emulate nonspell requirements, including alignment and race, using
normal DC's for the skill. He cannot emulate slill or feat requirements, however, including item creation feat prerequisites.
He must also meet the caster level prerequisite, including the minimum level to cast a spell he stores in potion, wand, or
scroll. An artificer's infusions do not meet spell prerequisites for creating magic items. For Example, an artificer must still
employ the Use Magic Device Skill to emulate the light spell to create a wand of light, even though light appears on his infusion
list. Bonus Feat: Return to Class Table Craft Homunculus (Ex): Return to Class Table Retain Essence (Su): Return to Class Table Metamagic Spell Trigger(SU): Return to
Class Table Metamagic Spell Completion (Su): Return
to Class Table Skill Mastery: At 13th level, an artificer can take 10 when making a Spellcraft or Use Magic Device Check, even if stress and distractions
would normally prevent him from doing so. This ability circumvents the normal rule that a character may not take 10 on a Use
Magic Device check. Artificer Options: a number of additional options in this book make good choices for an artificer. Feats: Attune
Magic Weapon, Bind Elemental, Exceptional Artisan, Extra Rings, Extraordinary Artisanm Legendary Artisan, Wand Mastery. Artifcer starting gold. A 1st level artificer begins playwith 5d4 X 10gp (125 gp). |